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Pilates if you are recovering from Injuries or have a special situation


RedMat works closely with International Fitness & Wellness groups to adapt emerging Pain assessment and management routines. Its trainers go through intensive programs internationally to learn techniques used across the globe for identifying pain sources and then working on a Pilates regime that is suitable for those conditions. 


However, Pilates instructors teachers are not appropriately qualified to diagnose or treat injury or illness.  We observe movement patterns, alignment, posture and stability to provide exercise programmes to help your overall physical fitness, but if you are having pain that interferes with daily life activities, you should always seek the advice of a medical professional before taking up any form of exercise - Pilates included.


Pilates for Injuries & back/shoulder/neck pain 


After you are given the all-clear by your Doctors, Pilates is a great option when done correctly. Pilates is often recommended for clients experiencing low back pain, shoulder & neck pains because of the emphasis on core strength and stability.Working with RedMat's  professionally qualified and experienced instructors, you will be able to modify exercises as needed so that you can avoid further injury and still experience most of the benefits of a Pilates workout.


We encourage women with special situations to take up a private sessions at our Studio to ensure a customized plan can be evolved and practised keeping their specific conditions in minds. Once healthy enough to participate in full-body group Pilates classes, they can migrate to group sessions. 


Neuro Kinetic Therapy   at RedMat


NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) is an advanced diagnostic tool and treatment approach to the body. Through the use of manual muscle testing, NKT detects compensation patterns in the body and discovers which muscle groups are firing properly and which ones are not. When we have muscle groups or muscle fibers that are not firing properly, other parts of the body grip to compensate. Although this is the body’s response to maintain functionality, it soon leads to tight muscles, joints, fascia, and eventually pain. NeuroKinetic Therapy assess and treats this.

Some of the conditions which could potentially improve with this approach are Low back pain, whether acute or chronic, Muscle strains , ŸNeck pain and loss of motion in the neck, Sciatic nerve impingements, Rotator cuff injuries and other shoulder dysfunctions, TMJ Hip degeneration, Herniated Discs,  ÂŸKnee pain, Tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis .


Pilates is great for pregnancy


Pregnancy is accompanied by many physical changes for a woman.  Pilates & Yoga are a great way to build trust and confidence in a woman’s body as she experiences these changes. A customized regime practiced throughout pregnancy can help you to maintain your level of fitness and promote efficient body mechanics as you prepare your body for the demands of childbirth. At RedMat's customized Pre Natal Program, our instructors combine the best of Pilates  & Yoga practice to alleviate common complaints like low back pain throughout pregnancy, and improve recovery time post-partum.



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